Monday, March 31, 2014

3/31 5:30

Dinner outside 


5:30 3/30

Doughnuts and hot cocoa 

5:30 3/29

Applying for jobs 

5:30 3/28

A typical college student dinner table. 

3/27 5:30


3/26 5:30


5:30 3/25

5:30 2/24

Do you even lift bro? 

5:30 3/23

Doing some laundry 

5:30 3/22


5/30 3/21

What to eat for dinner....

5:30 3/20

Reading Aristotle 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Triptic of Erin

3/19 5:30

Rough day for some in leahy 

3/18 5:30

House of Cards 

3/17 5:30

Happy St. Paddy's Day! 

5:30 3/16

Shopping at world market and found this gem...

3/15 5:30

Pie bar

3/14 5:30

Penguin exhibit! 

5:30 3/13

Mega marg and fried pickles 

3/12 5:30

On a back porch in Texas 

5:30 3/11

Enjoying some Texas Tea 

3/10 5:30


3/9 5:30

Loving Texas food! 

5:30 3/8

En route to Texas

5:30 3/7

Kumbucha time!